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Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Would trash talking tweets help Michelle Wie's performance? Also the cheapest putter may be right for you.

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The public usually sees LPGA and PGA Tour golfers as an illustrious and highly regarded group, quotable and predictable in their demeanor. You rarely hear about an offensive or derogatory slur and, if you do, it is quietly handled by the powers-that-be (unless John Daly is involved and then it becomes fodder).

Michelle Wie, for example, is becoming one of the more quotable golfers on the LPGA Tour. She is highly visible to the media and her public image is full of aplomb. Her most recent stylized excerpt?

"You know, like I always say, dream high and stuff, set your goals up high, and I think it's definitely - I'm not saying it's an easy goal to achieve" ...Stanford?

That's all well and good but how would Michelle Wie, and the LPGA Tour in general, handle a dose of "trash talk" amongst each other? Does any of that occur on or off the course and would it make the LPGA more interesting?

Charles Barkley, during a recent media conference stated, "The best part of sports, number one is winning. The second best part is trash talking with your teammates. But they’re trash talking in every single sport. Let me tell you something, I played golf with Phil Mickelson, Tom Lehman, Billy Mayfair, Dudley Hart. I’ve played with a lot of pros. And if you don’t think there is some trash talking going on out there, you’re crazy."

Would you tune in to more LPGA events if microphones followed the ladies and if you could overhear their little digs at each other? Usually trash talk is all in good fun but highly effective. I think that it would increase ratings!

Carolyn Bivens said she would "love it" if some of the more outspoken Twitterers such as Christina Kim and Morgan Pressel would reach out right in the middle of a match. As Bivens related, "fans are 12-, 13-, 14-year-old girls and boys. They're not waiting for the golf broadcast on Saturday and Sunday."

"They want to know what's going on in the middle of the round," asserted Bivens, "we're going to get out of the collared shirts and khaki pants and make golf chic, hip, happening." The LPGA frontwoman also maintained that Kim and about 30 other LPGA pros will help to make LPGA golf more "relevant".

Pressel was waiting at the 14th teebox during a practice round yesterday, chatting it up with Michelle Wie, another tweeter who has links to several other LPGA golfers including Jeehae Lee and Paige Mackenzie (who mentioned that her 8-iron head just fell off as the grips were being changed!)

Imagine the number of fans who would follow the LPGA if Pressel and Wie went head-to-head during a match and bantered "tweety trash talk" to their fans!

"Hit 'em hard - they'll land somewhere," Pressel may click to MW's Twitter page.
"#1 BABY! you know... its hard 2 b humble," responds Wie, trying so hard to keep her tweets UNDER 140 characters.

Perhaps Carolyn Bivens should encourage this new media correspondence although the PGA Tour does not allow communications devices on the golf course. But, just as the LPGA now allows bloggers to cover events, it is only a matter of time before we see golfers clicking away to their opponents on their qwerty keyboards during an event typing, "You're away Michelle!"

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by, 866-443-8566.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do the Caddyshack and the hole-in-one and don't let your macho get in the way

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With the excitement surrounding "the new and improved" John Daly's return to the PGA Tour and the buzz encircling 2008 Rolex Rookie of the Year Yani Tseng's win at the Corning Classic with an upcoming second major try at the McDonalds LPGA Championship, golfers are getting out onto the course in droves attempting to mimic the shots of the professionals.

More often than not, amateurs are stepping to the back tees and seeing more of the golf course than need be, and this usually refers to the men! Does this sound like you, Mr. Macho? Whereas women, in my opinion, are inclined to play a game of accuracy, men have a tendency to ignore course and slope ratings in favor of the thrill of "tipping it out" with a similar level of ability as from a more forward position.

But, is it such a terrible affair to try your luck from the tips, not worrying so much about which teebox suits your skill level or will it help improve your game in the long run?

If your tee shots are shorter than your opponents, you may not be able to "drive for show" and you may be forced to use longer clubs on your approach to the green. The inability to outdrive your competitor may actually creep into your mental game, psyching you out and forcing you to question your ability.

Commenters on the Golf Channel's discussion boards agree that ego plays a large part in the game of golf. Problems that ensue include overswinging as well making bad course management decisions.

As one analogy stated, "If you were a beginner or intermediate skier would you ski down a double black diamond run? Unlikely.

Most recently I have been placed into the position of playing from the "whites" or men's tees (in many cases) and found that the game changes enormously as you step back. After several attempts of struggling with my long game and mainly woods, I moved forward to the ladies tees and the result was definitive! I actually found myself more self-assured, with my entire game cooperating from tee to green.

I can't hit a golf ball 295 yards just short of the green like Michelle Wie does so my ego is put on hold by keeping home plate at the senior tees!

This week, Golf for Beginners focuses on fun and easy golf exercises to improve core strength and flexibility so that, when you do get out to the course, you will be the Tiger on the tee!

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by, 1-866-351-1688.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Tiger Woods makes TIME hero list. Maybe comic superhero next? Target golf: think small.

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“It's difficult to think of you as a loser, but hey, you're a loser." sniggled David Feherty, as he interviewed Tiger Woods after a mediocre performance at Quail Hollow.

You can lose but that certainly doesn't make you a loser...

Of course the above was said jokingly as Woods could never never be a loser. Aside from his recent victory at the Arnold Palmer Invitational, Tiger has a total of sixty-six career PGA Tour wins under his belt with some events (like the Buick Invitational) being won six times by Woods!

But did pre-surgery Tiger have better survival instincts?

Before the ailments, with a bum knee, Tiger limped to victory at the U.S. Open. The 2009 version, as mentioned on Backspin, has had issues "closing all year." Usually in the hunt with golfers sweating on the back nine, Tiger has been four-over on the last three holes of events he has played in this season. Maybe having kids has made Woods a bit soft?

But Tiger golf is in no way related to the rest of the field. Out of the five events he has played in 2009, Tiger came in top-twenty and better and is currently poised in tenth position in the FedEx Cup race with plenty of golf left to play.

Perhaps Johnny Miller said it best recently when he compared Tiger and Phil Mickelson (although any name can be switched-out in place of Lefty):

“Phil has as much horsepower in his car as Tiger. It’s just that the lug nuts aren’t tightened down as much."

It is because Tiger Woods is "a model for how athletes should conduct themselves" that Roger Federer wrote why Woods deserves to be listed as a hero and icon among Time's Top 100 movers and shakers (see below for link information). Respect for the history of the game, a class attitude and his philanthropic efforts also helped Tiger gain the admiration of the internet users who voted him onto the list.

Could superhero status be far behind? Will we one day see Tiger Woods in his very own comic book saving the world from trechery?

Others on the list that have shaped the world this year include President Obama and wife Michelle, Edward Kennedy and even Bernie Madoff! Yes, on this list we have the good, the bad and the ugly!

Golf for Beginners also offers up an easy, mental drill in order to play better target golf. We also discuss how to take the confusion out of shot-gun starts.

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by San Diego Golf Central, 866-825-4094.

Time Top 100 Movers and Shakers, complete list:,29569,1894410,00.html

Roger Federer on Tiger Woods:,28804,1894410_1894289_1894279,00.html

Photo Credit: © Tony's Cartoons and Caricatures

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tiger Woods and Obama go on tour. Sony shaken after dumping Wie, the Gyroscope for muscle-building and Play Golf America!

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Soon after Tiger Woods sat in on a news conference to promote his third year as host of the AT&T National at Congressional Country Club, he shuttled off to the White House to take a tour hosted by President Barack Obama.

Light witticisms were bandied about at Congressional with Tiger answering questions about his knowledge of the Swedish language which all boiled down to sayings every man should know like, "clean the house" and "wash dishes": every man that is, except for the billion-dollar variety like Woods!

But what could the President want to know from Tiger Woods? Aside from the obvious golf tips, we wonder what information could have been exchanged during their meeting in the Oval Office. Here are some of our thoughts.

1. Advice on the best golf simulator for the White House basement.

2. Perhaps they were negotiating deals for design and construction of new, upper eschelon golf communitites in Cuba, Venezuela and Iran as gifts to his new "well-wishers".

3. A new golf course in North Korea to Kim Jung-Il as a signing bonus if he stops playing with rockets.

4. Advice on how to turn the economy around since Tiger is obviously the head of his successful business concern.

5. Perhaps an open invitation to fill one of Obama's vacant top treasury positions (an huge cut in pay for Tiger).

Tiger looked as comfortable in the Oval Office as he does out on the golf course.

Golf for Beginners also wonders why Michelle Wie's contract with Sony was not renewed. Was it due to an obvious flagging performance or did it have something to do with the $97 million shelled out to cover a messy malpractice lawsuit over the "vibration feedback" technology in its Dual Shock controllers?

We also discuss ten ways to get the most out of free lesson month, courtesy of PGA of America and Play Golf America and challenge the TourGrip Gyro Trainer to improve our golf swing. If it helps to condition astronauts in space, it should fly with us!

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by, 866-443-8566.

Photo Credit: © The White House Blog: Meeting Tiger Woods

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Can Phil Mickelson, Sergio Garcia take number-one status from Tiger Woods?

One possible way for Phil Mickelson to become the number one PGA Tour golfer in the world, toppling Tiger Woods, is closely tied in to his finish at this weekend's Shell Houston Open. In order to turn his dreams into reality, Mickelson is going to have to sharpen his putting skills.

According to his website, Mickelson has improved in all areas of his game except in putts per round. Out of six events, Phil now has two 2009 victories so it appears that the only way Mickelson can lose is if his mental game shatters, which it has been prone to do.

Greg Norman believes that Lefty is not as strong as Tiger Woods when it comes to clutch putting and, when it comes PGA Tour dominance, "Tiger's got him on the mental edge and Tiger has got him outside nine feet." Let's not forget that last week's big finale at the Arnold Palmer Invitational came down to Woods' lengthy putt at the seventy-second hole.

Although this may appear to be the "Phil and Tiger Show" on the PGA Tour, Sergio Garcia has been close in the world rankings but struggles to close the door behind him. Garcia may claim that "being No. 1 would be nice," but in reality, his "main goal is to win a major." Sergio has even changed his schedule to accomodate the Shell Houston Open, citing that the course is prepared very much the same way with "really quick putts like you're going to get at Augusta."

How does Tiger Woods feel about the threat to his position atop the world standings? Ask him and he'll say that he expects to win every time he plays. "It's just about being there and timing it right and making putts at the right time and pulling off shots at the right time." Woods continued, "We're all trying to do it. Some guys put themselves in contention more times than others but still, we're all trying to win tournaments."

Still, why is it more of a struggle for guys like Sergio and Phil to climb to number-one status than it is for Tiger Woods to maintain it, even after a year's layoff?

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tiger Woods taking a lesson from Michelle Wie, Sorenstam delivers, golf tips from Leadbetter and Rick Smith

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Michelle Wie reportedly received $700,000 in appearance fees to attend the Asian Tour's 2006 SK Telecom Open. Tiger Woods' bonus for showing up at the Australian Masters will top the $3 million mark with the state government footing half of the bill! Are appearance fees a good idea and can they help fuel a weakened economy?

Crowds no doubt swarm to an event where Tiger Woods is in the mix. A report from Ernst and Young stated that an estimated "10-20,000 overseas and interstate visitors would travel to the southern city to see Woods." That translates into over $19 million dollars in income for Australia! This is a win-win situation for the Masters but the Open, which plays only two weeks later, will probably suffer with a lax in funding and attendance.

Endorsement deals are lining pockets but, in the future, will larger-than-life players require appearance fees before even deciding to play? Phil Mickelson's presence at the Barclays in Singapore grossed him seven figures, Michelle Wie is said to have received over $20 million in just one season and, although fees for LPGA golfers are far less than their male counterparts, Annika Sorenstam earned over $12 million off-course and champions like Cristie Kerr and Natalie Gulbis are known to travel to events on private jets.

In this new media age, you can even "rent" your very own sports personality right off of the internet! Procurement agencies such as claim to be able to "turn events into sold-out standing room only spectacles". Gulbis is said to command a mere $18-38,000, Nancy Lopez' fee is over $35k and Crenshaw and Couples top out at over $65,000 each.

Although no blame is to be exacted in this column, one of the earliest golfers paving the road with appearance fees could be tracked down to Greg Norman who, as far back as the mid-nineties, is said to have commanded honorarium upwards of $200,000 and fuel for his private jet.

Top golfers are now considered celebrities and are basically being paid to perform. Whether they win or lose, they are still the draw that bring fans, and their dollars, out to the courses. So I ask, is it better to be Tiger Woods who happily accepts, and seeks out, appearance fees or Lorena Ochoa who, according to her brother and manager, is "not the kind of girl who's looking for options to be on TV or in magazine articles,” but "just wants to be the number one player in the world."

Also, on this week's Golf for Beginners show, Barry and I offer several swing drills. One assist comes from the David Leadbetter Academy which can help set your hand position in your backswing and the other drill comes from Rick Smith whose drill will help increase your accuracy!

We also talk about Annika Sorenstam's two big announcements and their effect upon the LPGA Tour!

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by, 866-643-6078.

Photo Credit: © GameLife

Monday, February 23, 2009

Charles Barkley working to become the next Tiger Woods and how science can help you stop choking under pressure

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To look at the golf swings of both Tiger Woods and Charles Barkley, one would have to admit that they are complete opposites from start to finish. Even with a gimp and a grimace at the 2008 U.S. Open, Woods' fluidity was still beautiful to watch. Barkley's movements, on the other hand, have been the fodder for everyone from amateurs on YouTube to Tiger Woods himself, who jokingly attempted to copy the infamous swing which has been compared to "a tornado on acid".

Charles Barkley has finally had enough ribbing and will allow himself to be guided by Hank Haney in which the master instructor will try and rid the former NBA star, once an 80's golfer, of his "spasmodic hitch". Haney believes this "hitch" is hiding the real quandary and will address problems of dropping the head through impact and the angle of Barkley's swing plane noting, "when you have a mess like he has, you're not going to fix it with a swing thought."

It should be interesting to see if Haney can not only create a new swing for Barkley but also rebuild his confidence. Barkley is ready for improvement mentioning recently that, "it sucks getting ridiculed and humiliated." Once a ten-handicap with great putting abilities, it has to hurt Barkley knowing that the reason he is in this position in the first place is because he didn't realize that his injuries were forcing him to practice incorrectly.

Small golf goals are important to long-term achievement and Barkley's initial step is to break 85. His second? To take on the guys who have mimicked him in the past, namely Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods. On the other hand, with a mantra like, "What other sport can you play with friends for a few bucks, smoke cigars, drink beer, no phones, trash talk and be in the middle of nowhere?" does Barkley even have a chance against single-digit Jordan and Tiger Woods who is, well, perhaps the greatest golfer who has ever lived?

The Haney Project is a seven-part series on the Golf Channel with the first episode airing on March 2nd.

Also, on this week's Golf for Beginners show, we discuss an article in Scientific American which ponders the science of choking under pressure.

Congratulations to Phil Mickelson on his 35th career win at the Northern Trust Open!

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by, 866-643-6078.

Photo Credit: © Golf Digest/Thomas Fluharty

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Amy Mickelson relieved that Phil finally won

Aside from the utter joy displayed, Amy Mickelson showed signs of relief and satisfaction after Phil rolled a six-foot putt to clinch the Northern Trust Open. To really understand the moment in question, all you had to do was to look at Phil's mother's face as she stood with eyes closed and fingers crossed, waiting for the roller-coaster ride to come to a halt.

The two were poised to watch Mickelson in a playoff, thinking that this may be a repeat of the 2007 experience at Riviera where Phil lost in a sudden death playoff to Charles Howell III. Steve Stricker lurking at the eighteenth and trying to psyche out Mickelson as he made his final putt didn't comfort the ladies either!

The pressure was off after Phil Mickelson's win but he noted that "it was not easy" letting his five-stroke lead slide out from under him. The good news is that Lefty learned from this experience. "I was able to fight hard. Even though I didn't have my best stuff, I was able to fight through it."

"I knew he was going to pull it off at some time, but he waited until the last couple of holes," said Fred Couples, who played in the final group with Mickelson and seemed to have more confidence in Lefty than Phil had in himself.

With his first win this season and the 35th of his career already under his belt, Mickelson will be building on his success from the Northern Trust Open looking for a possible three-peat at the Masters and, hopefully, may even perform a "Mickel-slam" this year.

This tune-up was a good test of Mickelson's confidence, to say the least, as well as his ability to perform under pressure. "I need to become a better front-runner, but it gives me confidence and something to build on for the rest of the year."

I wonder who feels the pressure more now, Phil or Amy, and how much will the tension build now that Tiger Woods is back on the scene?

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Photo Credit: ©

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Natalie Gulbis cooks on Celebrity Apprentice

Could Natalie Gulbis, LPGA super-golfer, become the next Celebrity Apprentice?

Donald Trump's latest attempt at capturing viewers includes a cook-off with Gulbis and the possibility of catfights with Deal or No Deal's Claudia Jordan, filling the show with more surprises than the recent bankruptcy deal which Trump Casino filed and, in a huff, the Donald walked away from. No bailouts here!

Expect other players in the mix like Dennis Rodman, Herschel Walker and double-threat Melissa and Joan Rivers to add to the mayhem! Andrew Dice Clay looked like he was even sassing "the Donald" in a recent advertisement which means that this show is really digging deep to come up with greater commercial success. Trump tried once in 2007 to rally publicity with a Rosie O'Donnell feud but ratings slumped to an all-time low which showered the television reality show premiere of Grease with more viewers, and that turned out to be a prime-time bomb!

Has Donald Trump assembled the most creative cast of characters yet or is he just searching for ratings? If this show survives, perhaps he should seek out Michelle Wie for a tryout? She may need the job if her new career in the LPGA doesn't come to fruition!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Stanford schools Michelle Wie on the mental game. Tiger Woods returns and is your short game scaring you?

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Michelle Wie's high hopes were dashed once again as she struggled against the wake of the tide which Angela Stanford created as she plowed through on the back nine at the SBS Open. Expectations, as we have seen time-and-time-again, have a way of throwing this game of golf into turmoil instead of doing what Stanford did by "just having so much fun." Michelle Wie version 2.0 is still very much a work in progress.

The battle between the two was exciting and proved that, although Wie has much work to do on her mental game in order to shift focus from competing to winning, her optimism and greatly improved swing will serve her, and the LPGA Tour, well this year. Any threat so far to Lorena Ochoa? Not likely…

Carolyn Bivens, who in 2006 mentioned her "master plan to expose the personalities of our stars to the general media", will now get the opportunity to turn her dreams for the LPGA into reality, thanks to the addition of Michelle Wie.

Several interesting deals to counteract the downward decline of the LPGA include a ten-year exclusive agreement with the Golf Channel beginning in 2010 and a sponsorship deal with Korea media bigwig JoongAng Ilbo. The Sports Business Journal asserts that Wie will not be promoted any differently than any of the other nineteen LPGA rookies but the Golf Channel made no such promise, instead deciding to use Wie's image to boost ratings. Can you blame them?

For now, it is clear to see who is the belle of the ball, the star of the show regardless of performance. Hopefully Michelle Wie will not disappoint but that doesn't matter much either as viewers have a weird fascination watching the rise and fall of celebrities. Either way, MW's entrance into the LPGA is a winning situation for all involved.

This popular tune sung by Frank Sinatra says it all…

Cause she's got, high hopes, she's got high hopes, she's got, high apple-pie in the sky hopes….

So any time your gettin low
stead of lettin go
Just remember that ant
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant…

Golf for Beginners also offers news of Tiger Woods' return to the PGA Tour from friend Mark O'Meara.

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by, 866-443-8566.

Photo Credit: ©

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Monday, February 02, 2009

Mickelson feels good about his ridiculous score. The trick to hitting a mud ball and celebrity quotes.

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Mickelson's debut at the FBR Open was more of a fizzle than a roar. Phil not only missed the cut but appeared to be in self-denial as well.

"It doesn't feel as far off as the score indicates," Mickelson said. "I know the score is ridiculous. But it doesn't feel bad."

One interpretation of the above statement may be that, although Phil struck the ball well, it did not go where it was intended, which caused him to search through the cacti on more than one occasion. But Mickelson must have been concentrating his thoughts more on the Arizona Cardinals point spread more than to believe that he wasn't at all rusty, hitting only eight of twenty-eight fairways and flying several greens with his usually faithful lob wedge. At least Phil made it to the finish line at last year's FBR Open before finally succumbing to J.B. Holmes, who came back from the brink of defeat to trounce Mickelson. Come to think of it, Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Santonio Holmes made an extraordinary last-ditch effort to clinch the Super Bowl title from Arizona. Hmmm…icing on the cake?

The younger guns are making it more difficult for guys like Mickelson to get an easy ride, showing laser-like driving accuracy and length off the tee but there is still room for the forty-and-over age group. In other words, there is still light at the end of the tunnel, Phil, even as you approach middle age.

Vijay Singh, for example, climbed to the number-one position on the PGA Tour at forty-one years of age. Another notable, Colin Mongomerie, has recently been tapped to lead Team Europe after his inability to make the cut in the 2008 Ryder Cup. Perhaps instead of playing in the Champions Tour later in their careers, former professional golfing notables will be taking the desk at the Golf Channel, as captains of the Presidents/Ryder Cup or as hosts of their own charity events.

With Tiger Woods still out of commission and without a comeback date in mind, time is still on Mickelson's side but spending a few extra hours on the practice green and better decision-making where the driver is concerned could only help get his game in gear sooner rather than later.

Golf for Beginners also talks about the interesting way the mud ball flies and we pick out a few interesting celebrity quotes.

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by, 866-409-2177.

Photo Credit: © In Golf We Trust

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

No excuses for Mickelson to miss Bob Hope Classic. Also drive into the wind and quotes to live by.

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This year is considered "fifty years of Hope" and over two million dollars were distributed in 2008 to charities through the Classic event, but even so, the top fifteen PGA Tour golfers are MIA, most with no reason as to why this tournament is not worthy of their support.

Once distinguished as golf's best celebrity pro-am event with comedians ranging from Jackie Gleason to Jack Lemmon picking up the sticks for charity, the "Hope" seems to have lost a bit of its glamour and dimension. Utilizing Arnold Palmer as celebrity host (perhaps because he won the inaugural event) and, for the most part, only being able to conjure up a few old-time has-beens with some notables like Dan Quayle, Kurt Russell and Sterling Sharpe, I wonder when Tim Finchem will stand up for events of such illustriousness and not leave it up to freedom of choice? Can the PGA Tour impose a ruling to force more top-name golfers into faltering events?

Arnold Palmer recently mentioned, "I used to spread my tournament appearances so that I never missed a tournament more than two years in a row," but that was back in the day when guys were living paycheck-to-paycheck, not in this era where the top-100 golfers earn over $1 million per year. Also, events like the Bob Hope Classic were special and players would scramble to get a place in the field seeking publicity and possibly the status of being a winner or even having a top-ten finish.

To try and keep golfers interested in the "Hope", the tournament has even added the private Nicklaus venue, because guys like Phil Mickelson and Pat Perez voiced disapproval over the Classic course, but that has only lassoed in a few guys like Tim Clarke. Big names like Mickelson have not budged.

I just wonder if beloved Bob Hope mainstays such as the Classic and even the USO Tour will eventually become relics with a lack of consideration for the consequences?

Should fans even care whether or not another tournament bites the dust or are there simply too many events glutting the PGA Tour season? Unfortunately, for every event that fails, no matter how insignificant they may be to those who choose not to attend, the only ones that will suffer are those who depend on the charities receiving the funds.

This week Golf for Beginners wonders why Phil Mickelson has chosen the FBR Open as his season opener (we already know why Vijay Singh and Tiger Woods are not playing at this time). We also tell you how to pierce the wind utilizing your driver and offer a few quotes from golf's greats.

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by San Diego Golf Central, 866-825-4094.

Photo Credit: © LaTimes

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Vijay Singh follows in Tiger Woods' footsteps. Sorenstam returns and how to practice the aloha shot at home

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With the feature golf story of 2008 being knee surgery for Tiger Woods, it seems almost ironic that, just after winning the Chevron World Challenge, Vijay Singh would be in a similar predicament. Singh claims that he was hurt during the event but obviously didn't know the extent of his injury.

Waiting for Tiger to arrive at the podium, Vijay cajoled, "Tiger, take your time. Don't come back too early. In fact, take a year off." Isn't Singh aware of the saying, "be careful what you wish for?"

It is said that Singh is looking at a recovery time of about five weeks which puts a comeback a bit closer to the Masters Tournament than should be attempted. I know that it took much longer for my husband, who underwent similar surgery, to be 100% so I doubt that Vijay, even with his ménage of sports trainers, will be in tip-top form.

Following in Tiger Woods' footsteps, in this case, is not necessarily a good thing for Singh as the past several years of developments have kept Singh on Tiger's tail. In 2003 it was Vijay who took the money spot on the PGA Tour away from Woods by almost a million dollars (of course Singh played a third more tournaments than Tiger in order to accomplish this feat.) In 2004 Singh dethroned Woods at the top of the World Rankings, if only for the single year when Tiger battled back.

More recently Tiger won the inaugural FedEx Cup, Singh rallied to take the second cup, both accomplishing their respective goals in similar gung-ho fashion.

Also, did you know that Vijay Singh's name means "Victorious Lion"? Quite a coincidence to Tiger Woods' moniker!. However, in the battle of tiger versus lion, it is theorized that the tiger would be victorious under most conditions.

This week we not only discuss the departure of Vijay Singh but the return of both Tiger Woods and Annika Sorenstam-McGee. Wait a minute, didn't the LPGA superstar recently retire?

Also, in honor of the return of the PGA Tour to Hawaii, we offer a drill to help with the "aloha shot".

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Tiger Woods' billion-dollar record, Daly's down-under, winter golf drills

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Fear not Bill Gates! Tiger Woods will not topple the richest man in the world off of his pedestal! Tiger would require about $57 billion in order to achieve this goal but he is certainly on his way! It has been reported that Woods, even with a bum knee and attending only six golf tournaments this year has made (both on and off the course) an estimated $117 million, bringing his total earnings to just under $900 million.

If Tiger plays equally as well in 2009 as he did last season and picks up another sponsor to offset the $50 million loss of his General Motors contract, there is the possibility that Woods could crack the $1 billion mark by the end of the year.

Even if Woods barely grazed the billion dollar ceiling, it is improbable that he would join Gates on the Forbes 400 as "the price of admission … is $1.3 billion for the second year in a row." Heads up, George Steinbrenner, the Tiger is on your tail!

Prediction as to how Tiger Woods will climb the ranks of the world's richest humans? His "mini-tour" will become the place where the top golfers play for high purses, turning the PGA Tour into a shell of its former self.

While Tiger is busy building golf courses and instituting himself as the harbinger of a new age in sports, John Daly is complaining that this is the "lowest point" in his life. At one point, Daly had enough money to gamble away some $50 million but now the US PGA Tour has suspended John, forcing him onto the European Tour to play in their events.

Daly, who has dived to an unimpressive 736 position in the world rankings, should be grateful for this new opportunity to "reinvent himself". Unfortunately, I think the European Tour would be more appreciative if John would continue his antics across the pond. The Australian Tour offers him a pittance, equivalent to about $50,000 of flights and accommodations (and probably all of the beer that he wants) and, in exchange, receives about $3 million in publicity that they certainly would not have had otherwise!

This week, Golf for Beginners talks about Tiger Woods' ranking both on and off the course as well as John Daly's opportunity for a change of pace. We also offer a few golf drills to practice during the cold of winter.

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by Arizona Golf Packages, 1-866-444-0992.

Photo Credit: ©,

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is unemployment taking its toll on the Tiger Woods team? John Daly flashed by spectator; eyes still burning. Callaway Big Bertha Irons Review

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If you have ever taken an extended leave from your job, you also factor into it that there will be a mess to clean up when you return. Such is the case with Tiger Woods as his "brand" is taking a hit.

Woods' Gillette commercial was a flop so said the British, Buick (GM) decided to end his contract, an outburst from his caddy, Steve Williams, required damage control and today, Padraig Harrington took the coveted GWAA Player of the Year Award. Team Tiger is showing cracks in the armor. What will it take to right the ship? The only solution is for Tiger Woods to get back to work, and soon, otherwise his next scenario could be that he loses his number-one spot on the PGA Tour.

In other news, the camera smashed by John Daly has been placed on eBay in the hopes that the alleged 'space invader' will earn enough to purchase another camera. Should Daly have offered retribution after destroying the spectator's property? So far neither Daly nor tournament officials have offered assistance but that doesn't matter as the current bid is at $500 with interested parties lining up to "own a piece of this very controversial incident".

Golf for Beginners also reviews Callaway Golf Big Bertha Irons made exclusively for women. Forgiveness is key as i-brids are used in place of longer irons. Fat shots are no longer an option as the wider sole glides effortlessly on the turf. The set features distinct Callaway technology which translates into a lower center of gravity creating a higher launch angle and better trajectory to get the ball airborne. I think both male and female golfers can relate to this strategy. I played golf with a foursome that included three left-handed golfers. One player asked me to try the Big Berthas and effortlessly picked a ball clean with a five-iron off the turf with his first shot.

Don’t forget to check out our Holiday golf gift-giving guide!

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by Arizona Golf Packages, 1-866-444-0992.

Photo Credit: ©

Monday, September 29, 2008

Miller sends Tiger Woods a "Dear John" letter. Aging Mickelson falls prey to Villegas, Kim. Nicklaus hits it big with Performance 18

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Golf Analyst Johnny Miller maintains that Tiger Woods was not missed at either the Tour Championship or the Ryder Cup. He has even gone so far as to blame Woods for Team USA's problematic history. I can understand Miller's Ryder Cup theory as Tiger Woods has rarely been known to be a team player but, taking his idea a step further, would the PGA Tour be better off with, or without Woods?

It's true that some of Miller's off-the-cuff commentary can be a bit absurd (Mediate "looks like the guy who cleans Tiger’s swimming pool, for example") but after watching up-and-coming flamboyant and charismatic young guns Anthony Kim and Camilo Villegas excite the crowd time and time again, some of Miller's musings are believable.

I disagree, however, that age played a factor with Mickelson, ever the punching bag, who was beaten over the head for being thirty-eight years old. Age is not the reason why Phil could not make putts, and I'm sure that V.J. Singh would concur with that fact.

Johnny Miller, whose ramblings are worthy of note (that's why he's a commentator), should aspire to change the FedEx Cup points distribution system. Under the close circumstances in which both Singh and Villegas came to their eventual respective positions, perhaps a play-off would have been in order to create that end-of-season fervor that the PGA Tour, and the fans, are desperately looking for?

In addition to our commentary about the Tour Championship and both Mickelson and Garcia's inability to win in the face of challenge, we also offer our experiences while wearing Jack Nicklaus Performance 18 apparel at Turning Stone Resort. Performance 18 offers Coolplus® technology, UV protection, is fashionable and lightweight and had me feeling so stylish and comfortable that I felt as if I was on the LPGA Tour!

A golf tip on how to hit a 460cc driver is also featured. With clubheads as large as garbage cans, it shouldn't be that difficult, should it?

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by Premier Golf, 888-439-1831.

Photo Credit: © Outside the Beltway.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Harrington calls out Tiger Woods: I deserve to win! Also, align yourself like the pros and how to be a Patriot on Labor Day

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With a rousing finish at the 90th PGA Championship, Padraig Harrington confirmed that he can mix it up with the best golfers in the world, not solely on the European Tour. One may claim that a single major might have been a fluke but two in a row and three wins in the last six events prove that Harrington is really on to something! Perhaps Ben Hogan's "secret" has something to do with it, mentioned Harrington's instructor, Bob Torrance.

Poor Sergio floundered once again. At the 2007 British Open, both Harrington and Garcia choked their way through the final holes with the Irishman taking control at the 17th to win. Similar circumstances occured this week as Garcia's ball found the water leaving the door open for Harrington to finish the job. The PGA Championship was obtained much the same way as in his 2008 British Open rally against Norman. The intense stare, taking advantage when he saw Sergio floundering were intentional, with Harrington telling himself that he deserved to win.

Padraig Harrington knows that he can defeat Sergio Garcia when the pressure is on but how will he do against Tiger Woods when the world's number-one returns injury free?

Ed Sherman of the Chicago Tribune believes that Harrington's performance this year is deserving of the "Player of the Year" award. Randall Mell of the Los Angeles Times wrote, "Harrington, 36, has stepped forcefully into the vacuum created when Tiger Woods was sidelined for the season...and has done so with fierce closing skills under intense final-round major championship pressure."

This week Golf for Beginners discusses what seems to make Harrington unbeatable when the pressure is on. A golf tip from Jim Flick on proper alignment is also featured.

Information on Ireland's golf courses and Patriot Golf Day are also covered on this week's broadcast.

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by St. Andrews Golf Tours 800-348-4902

Photo Credit: ©

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

No stopping Asian invasion on LPGA Tour believe Inkster, Ochoa. Also, look down go down and turn bad shots into new opportunities

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Golfers Lorena Ochoa and Juli Inkster are struggling to keep up with the influx of hard-hitting Asian women entering the LPGA Tour. Players from Japan, Taiwan and South Korea flooded the top of the Ricoh Women's British Open leaderboard this weekend with only one American, Cristie Kerr, noticeable in a high-ranking position.

There were always foreigners ensconced in the LPGA Tour. Many of the ladies play amateur golf here while attending school. So what's all the fuss about Asians sharing the spotlight?

Well, for one thing, a bogey-free round with six birdies is a tough act to follow. Even number-one seed, Lorena Ochoa, is starting to worry. "Now we can see that the Asian Tour is becoming very strong," Ochoa mentioned. "The top players are coming to the States and they can also win in the States. Before it was a different story."

Mexico's Ochoa was the "Lady of the Lake" at the Kraft Nabisco, Taiwan's Yani Tseng grabbed the LPGA Championship, Korea's Inbee Park took the U.S. Women's Open and now Ji-Yai Shin, also from Korea, easily won the British Open. Where are all of the American hopefuls?

Juli Inkster is double the age of some of the latest LPGA entrants and is feeling the heat. Although she led the Open in the first round, the American slid behind ninth place finishers, Creamer and Gulbis, on Sunday. "They're all coming," Inkster noticed. "And it's not stopping either."

With Annika Sorenstam stepping down, could Inkster be far behind? Furthermore, is this "new era" helping or hurting the LPGA Tour's television presence? With venues in jeopardy for the 2009 season, perhaps the LPGA should be looking towards Suzuki, Toyota or Honda for an influx of much needed revenue.

Dave Hollander believes that the advent of the 'Wilhelmina 7' will add much needed "exposure" to the floundering Tour. Adding an Asian golfer to the lineup could successfully incorporate these women into the fold while introducing them as a viable asset to the Tour.

Ji-Yai Shin, ranked number one on the KLPGA, originally planned her future in Japan but just received an invite to join the LPGA Tour. "I want to play here, because very big tournaments...and great players,'' she said. "Yeah, I want to play here."

In addition to a discussion on the influx of Asian golfers on the LPGA Tour, Golf for Beginners talks about our weekend round at Casperkill. A positive attitude and the ability to turn bad shots into golden opportunities were our targets as we navigated the course. Find out what we had to pull out of our bags to accomplish our goals!

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by 877-323-3633

Photo Credit: © North Point Photo, Campeonato, Jamd, Scoregolf.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can Michelle Wie save the LPGA? Also, one way to conquer a troublesome course and can Stacy bring team spirit to stroke play?

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Michelle Wie didn't make the cut and received no exemptions for the Ricoh Women's British Open this week so what does she do? She shrugs it off and goes Tour-hopping, increasing the box-office revenue at the Reno-Tahoe Open instead!

With a star-studded list of PGA Tour professionals attending the WGC Bridgestone Invitational, tournament directors at the B-List event realized that offering a precious exemption to a relative unknown was tantamount to television suicide, so why not offer the golden ticket to the princess of DQ's and MC's?

Add to that the last minute entry of David Duval and you have a recipe for the highest ratings ever on a Sunday. Could you imagine a final round pairing of Duval and Wie? That's like Frankenstein going head-to-head with Godzilla in a celebrity death match!

With the LPGA struggling to keep several of its its events alive for 2009, it would be a wise idea for Carolyn Bivens to consider giving Michelle Wie a full-blown exemption for the new season. The Ginn Company, primarily a real-estate business, pulls the strings to the tune of $25 million over four yearly events on the circuit. A restructuring due to a downturn in the economy means that the Ginn Tribute will be out of the loop next year. The Safeway, the Fields Open and the SemGroup Championship have also backed out their support of the Tour.

A lack of television exposure doesn't help either, making the climate ripe for Michelle Wie to earn her weight in gold!

This week Golf for Beginners addresses television dynamo Michelle Wie, and whether or not it was a good idea for her to jump ship, leaving the LPGA for greener pastures.

Last week we discussed the three steps to go from beginner to winner. Taking Barry's advice, I wound up winning a team best-ball event, posting a terrific score at Branton Woods in the process. Find out how I did it!

Finally, I offer Barry an easy way to defeat Hudson Hills golf course, where blow-up holes abound.

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"Shiny Tech" courtesy of Kevin MacLeod ("

This podcast is supported by Grand Bahama Vacations 1-800-422-7466

Monday, July 21, 2008

How Harrington used course management to top Norman at the British Open, Michelle Wie DQ, take the first step to winning and choosing a first driver

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Padraig Harrington came out the victor this week at the British Open, the third major winner of the year with an injury to do so, hiding under the radar of many who thought he could not win back-to-back major tournaments. Harrington concentrated his efforts on course management and the short game to overtake an unlikely favorite of the over-fifty set, namely Greg Norman, whose "foot-on-the-pedal" mentality cost him yet another win.

It's a shame, though, that in 2007, Harrington thought so little of the Claret Jug he fought so hard to win he used it instead as a fill for swill! We hope that Harrington didn't do this again this year!

This week Golf for Beginners internet broadcast discusses the mental clarity and forethought it takes to make it to the final round and persevere under treacherous conditions. Chris Wood found little pressure in his "surreal" situation and easily made his way to the 18th hole with a forward focus. Others like Phil Mickelson, always the optimist, may have stated that he hit the ball well but it was evident he was clearly disappointed as he had spent the prior week at the Scottish Open finding similar results. Perhaps the pressure of having to take Tiger Woods' place on the leaderboard made him falter?


Choosing your first driver without ever having hit one can be harrowing. We tell you what to look for in a driver and how to make the process easier!


I had my first competitive round with the ladies of the EWGA at Doral Arrowwood this past week and my play was far from pretty! Find out how I intend to take the three steps from playing to competing and finally to winning!


Finally, how many DQ's, withdrawals and mistakes will be had before Michelle Wie reads the Rules of Golf?

Wie stepped outside of the scoring area after round two and a volunteer had to call her back into the tent for the infraction of one of the basic rules of golf...that is, she didn't sign her scorecard! Michelle knew that she forgot but felt that this was yet another time she could get off the hook with a shrug and a "sorry" claiming, "I thought it would be okay. It was an honest mistake."

Her third round, which placed her squarely in contention for a Sunday showdown did not count. Perhaps Wie should have listened to our previous podcast where we discuss some of the most basic and overlooked regulations of the sport.

Wie was disqualified. Unfortunately, it cost the LPGA a Sunday of high ratings and Michelle Wie her possible first win on the Tour.

Michelle choked back tears looking for pity and said, "I don't know what happened to me."

Should this rule have been overturned just this once for the benefit of the sport?

Of course, once one of the Rules of Golf is slackened, it is only a matter of time before others follow suit. In our opinion, the Rules should be followed to the letter until a rule is changed for everyone. It isn't the first time something like this has occured and it surely won't be the last time.

It is unfortunate incident for Wie but I'll bet she will never make this mistake again. Penalties will surely occur from a lack of concentration...

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