Showing posts with label golf course swing thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label golf course swing thoughts. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2015

Does This Sound Like You on the #Golf Course?

Trying to concentrate on that ever-important putt which will place you 1-up on your playing buddies, eyeing from every angle, you are finally ready to swing when you say to yourself, "hmm, maybe just one more cup to the right!" Naturally, you miss right. Ahh, the mental game of golf wins again!

Why do golfers use negative self-talk and what can you do to prevent...or at least control it? In a previous article, Golf for Beginners offered ways to improve upon the way we think and speak to ourselves during a round.

Today, instead of lurking within the realm of the Twilight Zone, let's just take a look at some of the ridiculous things we say to ourselves. Maybe if you read this rhetoric out loud, you'll be able to stop before the downswing, flip it around to something more positive and improve your confidence and your game!

Here are a few funny and oh so true thoughts that go through golfers' minds at different times on the course.

1. I ALWAYS hit a bad shot on the first tee!

2. Another downhill lie - I know I'm going to top it...

3. I can use my putter to go through that rough - isn't there four degrees of loft on a putter?

4. I can get this shot over that body of water - I don't need that extra club - this should do it.

5. (On the tee) - Don't aim for that bunker! Water on the right!

6. I don't need to carry a rain jacket today, there's only a forty percent chance I'll get caught.

7. Trees are 90 percent air.

8. This sure looks like my golf ball.

9. How many strokes was that... one in the water, so I'm hitting two, right?

10. . I don't need to punch out - I can clear that tree!

So many more ruminations to mention like, "Keep out of the rough!"

What self-talk do you utter during a round of golf? Share on our Golf for Beginners blog and on Twitter @Golf4Beginners.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Swing Thoughts for the #Golf Course from Tiger Woods, DJ and Garcia

Every golfer, when standing at the first tee, has something on his or her mind while setting up for that first shot; keep your head down, stare at a spot on the golf ball, hit the middle of their fairway. On every shot thereafter, thoughts about the ensuing round set the stage for either a positive or negative experience.

Which golf swing thoughts are useful and which should you immediately discard?

Imagery creates reality on the golf course, so, if you have negative thoughts, chances are they will translate into negative actions. The Wedge Guy, among others in the business, note that golfers should only think of a single, positive swing thought at each meeting with the golf ball instead of creating "a running dialog through their head about all the things they are trying to remember to do . . . or not do." 

That being said, Golf for Beginners has compiled several swing thoughts and golf tips used by top professional golfers to try on the golf course.

1. Sergio Garcia - TEMPO OVER SPEED - "When you make practice swings on the tee, think 'tempo' first. Notice that I never make them at full speed. I'll make a nice, controlled move back and through. I'm not practicing for power, I'm practicing for balance."

2. TIGER WOODS - VISUALIZE YOUR SHOT - Picture the golf ball going into the cup...yes, it's that simple. Some of the greatest athletes in the world (Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretsky and Woods) use creative visualization to gain control over the 90 percent mental-10 percent physical...that is, "using one’s imagination to visualize specific behaviors or events occurring in one’s life."

3. FOCUS ON STRIKING THE GOLF BALL - "In a survey of twenty-four PGA Tour players, eighteen said they didn’t think about anything at all during their swing. Those that did have a swing thought said it was to focus on a spot a few inches in front of the ball, to encourage swinging through, instead of hitting at the ball OR focusing on hitting the inside of the ball. NONE of them said they had ANY technical thoughts about their swing."

4. Dustin Johnson - CREATE A GOOD STANCE AND SET-UP- While DJ says he doesn't think of golf swing thoughts during a professional round, out on the driving range he works on creating good posture for his drive - pushing his hips back with a good bend at the knees.

5. ADAM SCOTT - One swing thought at a time!

What are YOUR Golf swing thoughts?

Let us know here on our Golf for Beginners blog, on Twitter @Golf4Beginners and on our Facebook page.