Friday, November 10, 2017

3 Simple #Golf Tips for More Distance

Every golfer wants more distance, right?

While trying to come up with a golf blog that resonates with almost every player this week, although accuracy is of utmost importance, if you can't get down the fairway, you won't be able to score.

"Simple" is better. Golfers tend to remember easy golf tips and to unknowingly incorporate them while at the range or on the course.

Golf for Beginners was originally conceived of by my husband, Barry, and myself as a way to break down complicated tips into simple thoughts. Therefore, this blog will offer up a few simple tips that should help you get more yardage during your round.

1. Think Short to Go Long. 

Basically, just shorten your backswing: I can't lay claim to thinking of this tip on my own but, when I implement it, I most certainly hit the ball longer...or, at least, I make better contact. Most average golfers believe, the longer the backswing, the more power, but the opposite is true. Bubba Watson can achieve that kind of contact and results (according to, but, the weekend golfer is just going to wind up releasing the hands too soon leading to less-than-perfect impact.

2. One Deep Breath then GO!

This is always my last thought just before impact. Take a deep breath and pick out one point on the golf ball - after you exhale, take your swing. Your body will be more relaxed and, chances are, your mind will be on the task at hand instead of thinking of all those positions you should be in!

3. For more advanced golfers, transfer your weight. Many amateurs lose speed and distance because of poor weight shift. RST instructor Chris Tyler offers up a simple drill to aid in weight shift:

More simple tips to consider when trying to go longer include Hank Haney's golf tip to me in our Golf for Beginners podcast about the biggest misconception about distance, "you have to create clubhead speed to get distance."

What golf tips have you successfully used to get more distance? Share in the comments section of this golf blog and on Twitter @Golf4Beginners.

Friday, November 03, 2017

#Golf Driver and Putter Head Cover Winners Announced!

CraftsmanGolf Skull_Driver_Putter HeadcoverThe golf blog will be a quick one this week, to announce the winners of the golf driver and putter head covers.

The recipients of the giveaway were very clever and put forth the effort to make this golf blogger sit up and notice!

Thanks again to Craftsman Golf for supplying the awesome headcovers. Golf for Beginners is excited to be able to bring you golf giveaways. Winners will be notified via Twitter DM and will be asked to supply U.S. mailing address which will be sent to Craftsman Golf for shipping purposes.

The winners of the Golf Driver and Putter Head Covers from Craftsman Golf are...

Winner #1: @wcuebas. We're looking forward to seeing a photo of the matching tattoo with the headcovers!

Winner #2: @theUnBWeavAble Don't think these headcovers will improve your skills but your clubs will look amazing in your golf bag!

Thanks to all who entered! Follow @Golf4Beginners on Twitter and Golf for Beginners blog for details on our next giveaway!