Friday, November 03, 2017

#Golf Driver and Putter Head Cover Winners Announced!

CraftsmanGolf Skull_Driver_Putter HeadcoverThe golf blog will be a quick one this week, to announce the winners of the golf driver and putter head covers.

The recipients of the giveaway were very clever and put forth the effort to make this golf blogger sit up and notice!

Thanks again to Craftsman Golf for supplying the awesome headcovers. Golf for Beginners is excited to be able to bring you golf giveaways. Winners will be notified via Twitter DM and will be asked to supply U.S. mailing address which will be sent to Craftsman Golf for shipping purposes.

The winners of the Golf Driver and Putter Head Covers from Craftsman Golf are...

Winner #1: @wcuebas. We're looking forward to seeing a photo of the matching tattoo with the headcovers!

Winner #2: @theUnBWeavAble Don't think these headcovers will improve your skills but your clubs will look amazing in your golf bag!

Thanks to all who entered! Follow @Golf4Beginners on Twitter and Golf for Beginners blog for details on our next giveaway!

Friday, October 27, 2017

AWESOME #Golf Driver and Putter Headcover GIVEAWAY!

When Golf for Beginners was approached by Craftsman Golf to offer a golf GIVEAWAY to our readers and social media friends, we checked out the items and, after we said "WOW", we agreed!

Craftsman Golf, the leader in custom and distinguishing headcovers, is helping us to give away a 2-piece matching set; driver and a putter cover! These headcovers are awesome and will most certainly inspire you as you pull out your clubs on the course.

Did I mention that this GIVEAWAY is for a 2-piece set? Yes, I did! However, we are also authorized to give away just the driver and/or putter cover as we see fit...

Here is what YOU could win:

Skull Leather Driver Head Cover
(description as taken from the site):

- Fit almost 460cc driver
- Premium synthetic leather, water - stain resistant
- V-shaped design with cool skull pattern, fashionable
- Soft inner lining will protect your clubs
- Durable elastic inside secures to a tight fit

Skull Leather Putter Head Cover With Marker Holder
(description as taken from the site):

- Fit almost blade putter
- Premium synthetic leather, Water, and stain resistant
- The soft plush Inner Lining well protect your club
- Strong magnetic closure keeps your cover on the club
- Magnetic utility platform to secure ball marker

Okay, now you know what you can win. Here are the easy-peasy details on How to Win these amazing headcovers and be the envy of every golfer on the course:

Here it comes... it's the Official Giveaway Rules!

This is a Twitter-based giveaway but Golf for Beginners will also post and watch for the hashtag and your comments on Facebook.

Retweet our post, follow @Golf4Beginners and @craftsmangolf on Twitter and hashtag us back with #CraftsmanGolfHeadcovers telling us why you want to win this prized possession, so that we can see that you have entered the Giveaway!

Tag 3 friends (more, as you could to win these amazing head covers).

Postings must include entrants' @username mention to @Golf4Beginners in addition to #CraftsmanGolfHeadcovers to be considered an entry.

WINNERS MUST BE BASED IN THE USA only. Winners will not be selected from any country other than the United States.

Two headcovers - one driver and one putter, will be given away to two golfers by Golf for Beginners blog. Golf for Beginners has the right to split up the prizes and give out 4 prizes instead of two: 2 driver headcovers to 2 separate individuals and 2 putter headcovers to 2 different individuals.

Prizes contributed by (see below).

Winnings provided directly by Craftsman Golf and substitutions may occur. Golf for Beginners is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any substitutions in head covers or putter covers nor are we responsible if fails to deliver on the prizes.

Each Winner will be selected by me, Stacy Solomon, so please try to make nice yet opinionated mentions as I will be reading and responding to all comments!

Only one entry per person. RETWEET this Great Giveaway and tell your friends.

Winners will be announced on November 3, 2017 and will be notified via private message. Shipping will be provided by Craftsman Golf. The winner must provide a real name, an accurate address within the USA as well as an email address and phone number upon winning the prize.


As always, please follow Golf for Beginners on Twitter and subscribe to this golf blog.

Check out more wonderful items, pls go to Want custom head covers?
Email Bella:

Thursday, October 19, 2017

After a Pro Tip, Do You Tip the Pro? #golf

Golf beginners have so many unanswered questions, not only about how to play the game but concerns that are taken for granted by amateurs who have already been "around the turn". Golf for Beginners answers several of these questions in this blog with the hopes of making newbies feel more comfortable around the course, not just on it.

Question 1 - The Bag Drop Dilemma
Have you driven up to the bag drop area and felt uncomfortable with someone reaching into your trunk to pull out your golf clubs? You can screech to a stop and try to outrun the greeter but, chances are, he or she will be waiting with a smile.

Let's start by saying that these ambassadors work for the golf course and get paid to help you. My suggestion? Don't fight it, always have a few small bills at the ready - it's just one of the courtesies extended by the course. Instead, focus on the game ahead and let these "friendlies" work for you. Ask them where to check in, where the putting green is located and any other uncomfortable questions you have so that you can relax and ready yourself to play your best game ever.

Question 2 - What to Do at the Front Desk
Queasy at the thought of calling a golf course for a tee time? Not sure what to do when at the desk?

There are several ways to make a tee time - you can call the course or find an online booking company who will reserve your tee time for you. Start by planning ahead and knowing the date and approximate time you (and your foursome) wish to play. Have several dates/times at the ready and a credit card although you can pay for your tee time at the front desk of many courses.

Call the course and set up your golf game. Once you know your tee time, get to the course at least a half an hour in advance so that you are on time for your tee-off!

When at the front desk, the associate will give you a receipt. Give that piece of paper to the starter - the starter has a list of all of the golfers playing golf that day. He or she will take the ticket and let you know which group you will follow...and will give you helpful tips about the course such as where the bathrooms are, where you can find drinking water on-course, where the pins are located for the day and whether or not it's a "cart-path-only" day.

Question 3 - A Teaching Pro Tip
After a lesson (or a group of lessons), are you supposed to tip the pro?

You already paid for lessons and the instructor isn't offering you a service like cleaning your cleats so I would say there are better ways to show your appreciation to your teaching pro.

A few suggestions... leave a great review on his or her website (or Facebook page). If you really like the results, and your game is improving, you may want to take more lessons - this, more than anything, will probably make your pro feel like a million bucks!

Read next: Can Online Tips Hurt Your Golf Game?

What concerns do you have around the golf course? Write them down in the comments section of this golf blog and tag us with your questions on Twitter @Golf4Beginners. We will answer questions here and on social media.