Thursday, June 08, 2017

Why You Need an Instructor to Video Your Golf Swing

Stacy Solomon golf swing
Have you been pushing/pulling/chunking your golf shots?

Are you out of sync?

If you are nodding your head in agreement, and, if you are starting a list with your own issues, the next question comes as no surprise...

When was the last time you took a lesson from a qualified professional golf instructor?

Chances are you can't remember but, if you can, you probably came away with a much stronger game. I know I did!

I knew something was amiss with my golf swing; although my ball contact is good, my shots were inconsistent - left, right, left, right...I was playing military golf!

With the latest golf technology at their fingertips, PGA Instructors can identify, show you your flaws and help you to correct them. You will also be able to view the lesson online afterward so, when you hit the driving range, you will remember what you need to practice.

I recently received a lesson from Dale Ketola, PGA, Director of Instruction at the brand, new Grande Dunes Golf Performance Center. Dale has all of the latest technology and my mouth was watering just thinking about using that V1 Software, Flightscope...Focus Band...

Below is a video of my golf swing using an 8-iron. I will place the swing video using my driver in next week's blog but, suffice it to say, Dale had only good things to say about it.

If you cannot view my golf swing video on this blog, click here: IRON SWING 1:

I was able to view my swing and Dale compared me with Paula Creamer (and with a similar outfit!) showed me what I was doing wrong and how to correct it right on the screen.

If you are guilty of relying on your husband (or buddies) at the driving range to help when you have a problem, "Hey, take a look at me and see what I'm doing wrong", stop NOW and take one of these lessons!

I am currently working on correcting these flaws which have quietly crept into my golf swing:

1. Head in front of the ball.
2. Open stance - Turning my body to look at my target.

After my lesson with Dale, Barry and I played nine holes at Myrtlewood Pinehills golf course and, guess what! I scored nine shots lower than the previous week...and without even having a chance to practice what I learned!

Thanks to Dale Ketola and the Grande Dunes Golf Performance Center for the instruction. After I practice eradicating the swing flaws shown to me, I will be back for another lesson. I hope to try the Focus Band which can tell me my emotional state while I am striking the ball - that should turn up all kinds of issues!

Contact Dale Ketola at the Grande Dunes Golf Performance Center: 
PHONE: 843-833-3332

Do your golf lessons include visualization with the V1 Software? What other technology do you use to help eradicate swing flaws? Tell us below on our Golf for Beginners blog and tag on Twitter @Golf4Beginners.

Friday, June 02, 2017

Female #Golf Athletes - Do You Believe We Have Come a Long Way?

Stacy Solomon Golf for Beginners Puerto RicoIn honor of the NCAA Championships and the upcoming Women's Golf Day, Golf for Beginners posts this Q&A about the state of womenin sports from a student working on his final university assessment.

Do you believe that equality has finally come to females in sports or is sexism still rearing its ugly head?

Here are my answers:

- How big an interest/fan base do you think there is for women’s golf?
I think women's golf is constantly in a state of flux - the more entertainment value, the greater the audience.

- Do women’s sports, golf, in particular, need better mainstream media coverage?
Always, but not just on traditional sources. We need to reach people where they search. I believe Youtube has much to offer as well as sources that don't necessarily cover golf, such as fitness magazines. The keywords used should reach out to a non-traditional audience.

- Generally, do you believe women in sports, and the sports themselves, have come a long way?
Of course - take a look at the early days of women's sports...those skirts are floor length! Yes, Title 9 helped with that process (and so did young upstarts like Michelle Wie) but we still have a long way to go.

- Are we at a stage where female athletes are recognized as role models to the next generation of women and girls? On the same level as male athletes?
To girls that have an interest in sports, I believe more so than male athletes. They can promote physical fitness... strength of mind and body!

- Does the media play a fair role in promoting and informing the public of female sporting events and their athletes?
No. I believe that women's golf events need to be better promoted. I don't know half of the times/dates of pro events. I would have to go and search out those times although the media is doing an adequate job promoting the NCAA Women's semifinals.

- Were events surrounding the vote at Muirfield the start of a change in women’s golf? Or have those events been forgotten about?
I think that those events have been forgotten about for now but will be pulled "out of the hat" when they are needed to make a statement.

- When discussing the media’s role, do you feel that in a newsroom you are equally represented?
Women will be equally represented as they step into the field. There are now more female announcers than ever, and their viewpoints represent a different way of thinking than traditional male questioning.

- Are we past the days of ‘body image’ when it comes to women in sport? Or are we still at the height of sexualizing female athletes?
Unfortunately, we still need to "sexualize" women athletes to some degree in order to get more attention to the sport but the women in question do it in a very tasteful way. Body image will always be important to the world we live in but, hopefully, it can be balanced with an equally sharp mental state.

- Is there pressure for female athletes to look a certain way? In a sport like golf does talent and skill play a bigger role?
Female athletes that are "prettier" still get more attention but I believe that their sticks still do the talking!

What do you have to add to these questions about women in golf? Comment below in our golf blog and on Twitter @Golf4Beginners.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Should You #Golf With Better Players?

Do you immediately feel anxious when approached by a single golfer or couple who wants to join you for the round?

Chances are, you may have been with your husband, wife or friend on the first tee and have been asked...

"Want to pair up?" only to cut them short with one of the following hackneyed excuses:

"I would prefer not to..."
"I'm not very good..."
"I haven't played in a while..."
"I play slow..."

Yes, both my husband and I have, on occasion, approached a twosome and received those comments. It's kind of disheartening because we were not only trying to keep the pace of players steadily moving but also thought it would be nice to play golf with another couple.

If you are on the receiving end...who feel intimidated that you are not good enough, take heart. There are always going to be golfers who play better than you do, or not as good as you, which is why the handicap system was invented - to level the playing field! Instead of worrying, go out to have a good time - you may just surprise yourself and play your best golf ever!

For this blog, we will examine the positive impact playing with a better golfer can have on your game and how you can benefit from the experience.

Reasons You May Not Want to Play Golf With a "Better" Golfer:
1. You may "beat yourself up" if you start to slide down the rabbit hole.
2. You may think you are slowing down the better golfer.
3. You may feel intimidated by the golfers' swing, shots, demeanor.
4. You may want to hit each shot, no matter how many you have to take, in order to get to the green.

Reasons You Should Play Golf With a Better Golfer:
1. You may pick up a few tips along the way.
2. Great to watch a better golfer's course management skills.
3. You might focus more on each of your shots and your score.
4. Challenges your mental and physical game.
5. You may just meet a new friend.

In my opinion, the positives far outweigh the negatives. I am an advocate for playing happy golf, keeping my own frame of mind and enjoying the company of whoever is with me at the time.

Tell you all of those folks out there who are worried about playing golf with me;
I won't comment on your swing, shots, and lack of experience if you don't snicker behind my back when I flub, okay?

This Memorial Day weekend, when you are faced with this situation, I hope you will go with the flow and make the most of your round. Enjoy!

Do you play with better golfers and why? Comment below on this golf blog and on Twitter @Golf4Beginners.