Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mental Clarity That Helped Tiger Woods and Frittelli Win Golf Tournaments

PGA Tour rookie winner Dylan Frittelli stated after his John Deere Golf Classic win that Tiger Woods' amateur career sports psychologist helped give him mental clarity to push through to victory.

How can clearing the cobwebs in your mental game make beginners and amateurs into better golfers?

mental clarity golf

After a bogey-free weekend, Frittelli discussed how, for the past several months, sports psychologist Jay Brunza has changed his game.

"The plan for this week was just to be creative and have fun," mentioned Frittelli during his post-tournament interview. “Mentality clarity was the difference this week,” Frittelli said.

Although the exact communications between Jay Brunza and Frittelli remain confidential, Brunza did state that positive encouragement was a focus of their messages.

Mental clarity is easier said than accomplished but think of the song lyrics by En Vogue, "Free your mind and the rest will follow" and you are on the right track.

According to an article in The Independent, Brunza, a retired U.S. Navy officer and caddie/sports psychologist to an amateur Tiger Woods, said this about the junior Woods,

"...the process that followed was to teach him to deal with critical situations by emotionally detaching himself from them, while at the same time being completely immersed mentally in the challenge of the moment. With the inhibition of the fear of the moment removed, Woods could respond to the best of his burgeoning physical ability."   [paraphrased, Paul Trow]

Jay Brunza is also credited by several other tour players (Charlie Howell, for example) for his unique mental game strategy.

"You don’t focus on win or else," mentioned Frittelli in his post-round interview. Winning is a process. An easy thought to remember would be Brunza's catchphrase, "Relax, Review, Refocus".

A few more mental golf tips from the superstar sports psychologist are to...

Focus on a “pre-shot routine” in the pursuit of “peak performance” and "letting everything go, all the distractions, before playing a shot.”

Also cited,
Photo by Regine Tholen on Unsplash

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Trick to Getting Out of Greenside Bunkers

When you play in a lot of bunkers like the PGA Tour pros do each week, you get a feel as to how to always get out of it and snug the golf ball close to the hole. This isn't necessarily true for amateurs who sometimes take two, three, or more attempts to get up and out of the bunkers and onto the green.

greenside bunkers

What tricks do you need to be more consistent out of greenside bunkers? We're here to help you!

The key for amateurs is to understand that first you have to get out of the sand and, once you accomplish that feat on a regular basis, you can learn how to get closer to the hole.

Recent news recaps how Pat Perez, during the 2nd round of the 3M, took a bunker shot and landed 17 yards to the green and then two-putted for bogey. Michael Thompson's greenside bunker attempt landed 28 yards from the pin with similar results. The one thing that both golfers have in common is that they get out of trouble and get onto the putting surface in one shot.

Golf Tips for Getting Out of Greenside Bunkers

Did you know...professional golfers dig their feet into the sand in bunkers to feel how much and how hard, or loose/separated, the sand is - not just for stability!

Butch Harmon's basic tip for getting out of the sand involves using the bounce of the sand wedge to get out in one shot. "Holding your sand wedge in front of you, turn the face open about 20 degrees, then take your grip." (This article is terrific and, since Mr. Harmon is one of the best in the business, I believe you should read it all the way through...editor notes.)

Weight forward, shaft straight up and down, hit the sand 2-3 inches behind the ball and don't cut across the golf ball.

Read: How to Get Out of Hard Sand Bunkers

Sounds simple and it is! No need to overcomplicate this lesson or lose your cool. Try out these directions during practice and you should get somewhere up and out of the greenside bunker every time. Thanks Butch!

Friday, June 28, 2019

Summer Golf - How Not to Lose Your Cool

summer golf
Losing your cool on the golf course - most amateurs can't help but get frustrated at errant shots or lost balls but they can stop themselves from getting overheated in the summer sun.

"Hot town, summer in the city" was the first line of the great Lovin' Spoonful song and the lyrics apply to golf too as the sun and high temperatures can be brutal of golfers. Four hours without protection or hydration can make for a very uncomfortable round and might have you carted away in an ambulance for heat exhaustion. And, don't forget that prolonged exposure could lead to melanoma.

Being a golfer who plays the game in a warm, southern clime, namely Myrtle Beach, I have adapted to the summer sun and will share a few tips on staying cool in this blog. Keep this list handy this summer and you may get through the round unscathed.

1. The Most Important Reminder - WEAR SUNSCREEN...on your exposed body, face, and lips. The American Dermatology Association recommends that you get a broad spectrum which covers both UVA and UVB rays. Also, don't get sunscreen lower than an SPF 30.

2. Cover Your Head and/or Face: wear a hat or visor. For people who are losing their hair, a hat would be better if you are not wearing any sunscreen protection. A hat/visor shades your face from the sun and helps block eyes from glare.

3. Protect Your Eyes: Don't forget the UV Sunglasses.

4. Stay Hydrated: freeze water bottles the night before - they stay ice cold for about 3.5 hours.

5. Bring a battery operated fan to help keep cool.

6. Bring extra gloves and change them out when your gloves get damp - this tip will help you maintain a good grip so you'll hit better shots.

And, no matter how hot it gets, have fun and don't lose your cool!

What tips do you have to stay cool on the golf course? List in the comments section of this golf blog and tag us on Twitter @Golf4Beginners.