Thursday, April 26, 2018

Questions Not Normally Asked by Golf Beginners

Learning all there is to the game of golf isn't easy - aside from attaining a repeatable swing, selecting the right golf clubs and cultivating proper etiquette, newbies need to understand how to count their shots and learn the basic rules of golf.

Golf for Beginners understands that some of this knowledge is provided by your instructor or through the internet but there are nuances to .the game that may or may not have come up.

Here are a few beginners (and not so newbie) questions answered:

Should I tip at the bag drop?
Whenever someone offers you a service, and you accept, it is customary to offer a tip. In this case, depending on your generosity, a dollar or two should suffice for basic service and more for those attendants who offer you special service.

Where do I bring the ticket that is given to me in the Clubhouse?
This receipt goes to the starter; it offers information such as how many players are in your group and at what tee box you report to as well as acknowledging that you paid, so keep it safe!

In what order do I play?
Golfers tee off in order from the back tees to the forward tees.
When all players are starting from the first tee and on the same tee box, it is customary to throw a tee up in the air to determine the initial order of play. During a round, on the fairways, whoever is farthest back from the green hits first.

Do I have to repair the mark I make on the fairways and greens?
Yes, ALWAYS! If you make a divot on the fairway, there is usually a sand/grass mixture located on the golf cart - shake it on the divot. If you see ball marks on the green, take out your ball mark repair tool and fix them for the next group of golfers and to keep the course in great the very least, repair your own mark.

How long should I take when getting a snack from the Clubhouse between the front and back 9?
You should limit your time at the snack bar to about 5 minutes - that should give you enough time to order something from the snack bar and visit the bathroom.

What do I do if I feel uncomfortable with the people with whom I have been paired?
Be polite. Play your own game. Enjoy the day and your surroundings.

Do I really need golf etiquette?
Even if you don't know how to swing a golf club, you will appear much more like a golfer than if you do all of the "no-no's" associated with bad golf manners. For example, don't step in someone's line and don't talk in a golfers' backswing - most golf etiquette rules are just common sense so use yours when out on the course.

If you don't know, ASK! Golfers are always willing to help bring another lover of the game into the fold.

Golf beginners questions are always welcomed in the comments section of our golf blog and on Twitter! Tag us @Golf4Beginners.



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