Wednesday, January 10, 2018

3 Steps to Achieving YOUR #Golf Resolutions

new year's resolutionsResolutions are made this time of year and, for golfers, the main theme is to work on areas which are weak and need improvement.

What is your most important new year golf goal?

PGA Tour players, in general, rely on the short game to get them into contention, so it seems like a just and proper resolution to work on wedge and putter development. Other golfers like Jordan Spieth and Dustin Johnson, may be looking ahead to a certain major victory in 2018., and devising individual goals to get them there.

One thing is for sure - luck and/or wishing won't make it happen. "You are what you do, not what you say you'll do." - Carl Jung

In this Golf for Beginners blog, we hope that you set reasonable and achievable targets. Here is how to start this process:

1. Look at your game and decide where you are at your weakest or where you lose the most strokes. For me, it is in my approach shots and putting.

2. Put your goals down on paper - make a list and determine how you will achieve those goals. Break down each goal into smaller parts. As I have been told in the do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! SET YOUR GOALS NOW!

As for my personal golf goals, I need to get to the range more and focus on shots that are 100 yards and in. I also need to bone up on chipping with clubs other than my sand wedge, such as my 8-iron.


A good tip I found on is to write down why your goals are valuable and important to you. Make sure that your goals are: specific. measurable. achievable, relevant and you attach a due date to them. Just saying, "I want to improve my putting this year" or "I want to lower my handicap" isn't enough.

3. Get out there and make it happen!
Many a resolution has been broken because we are not determined enough to work our way through our sluggishness ...we also make excuses. After reading this blog, why not work on one of your resolutions?

Read: Golf Resolutions for a Happy New Year

Which golf resolution will you be working on this year? Write it down here, in the comments section of this golf blog, and tweet us at @Golf4Beginners, then make it happen!

1 comment:

  1. Great Article! it gives an idea to the beginners golfer.


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