Thursday, August 18, 2016

Three Reasons to Play #Golf as a Single

As a small business owner, if the opportunity arises and all bases are covered at work, the time may be perfect for a round of golf - you just might not have anyone to play with on such short notice.

Men may not have a problem with going out as a single but I have heard from several golf beginners and women that they feel uncomfortable walking over to the starter and getting paired up with a stranger. Well, fear not and get moving! Aside from the obvious benefits of exercise, fresh air and sunshine, being paired up has its advantages.

Here are three good reasons why you should go out and play golf as a single:

golfer_swing1. New Playing Partners: You never know who you may meet going out as a single golfer. Whether you are a business owner like me, a divorced dad, a single mom, or someone looking to make a new friend, a new group gets you socializing in one of the most pleasant and fun settings anywhere.

I have met several people throughout my years on the course whom I now consider a friend - I have even met a few people who have helped me in my career; it all started with a handshake and an introduction.

2. Competition: Having a handicap makes the game fun and even. The scoring system is designed to allow all level of player to compete. You can actually see where your game is in comparison to people you don't know and how you compete in a situation that is unlike your normal routine. This scenario also teaches you how to play your own game and maybe get in the zone.

3. Improves Your Confidence: If you are worried about what people think when they meet you at the tee or how you might perform during the round, think of the confidence boost you will receive after you take the plunge - this type of activity will take you out of your comfort zone where you know what to expect and give you the impetus to become more comfortable with taking risks.

Have you ever played golf as a single? Let us know about your experiences in the comments section of this golf blog or on Twitter tagging @Golf4Beginners.

Photo: Wikipedia

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