Wednesday, June 08, 2016

What Are Your Odds of Making a Hole in One? #golf

To make a hole-in-one is the desire for all golfers. Although professionals with pinpoint accuracy like Rickie Fowler have a better chance of making an ace, when the average player drops a ball into the bottom of the cup on the first stroke, the feeling is euphoric!

Statistics state that the likelihood of the amateur golfer ever getting a hole-in-one is very slim - "a tee shot hit by an amateur golfer on a par-3 goes into the hole one out of every 12,750 times", according to Golf Digest and the National Hole in One Registry. Professional golfers obviously have a better chance of scoring an ace; the odds are 2,500 to 1.

That being said, I am proud to announce that my first hole-in-one was recorded on Friday, June 3, 2016 and have joined the ranks of the elite! Yes, I did save the golf ball for display and yes, there was a celebration at the 19th hole!

Stacy Solomon hole in one golfWhat Should You Do if You Get a Hole-in-One?
- Check to make sure that the ball in the hole is, indeed, your golf ball!
- Fist pumps and high-fives are welcomed at this time.
- Have camera ready to record the historic occasion.
- Make sure that you sign your scorecard and that whoever else witnessed the hole-in-one also attests to the ace.
- Remove the golf ball from play - you may want to display it for posterity's sake.
- Register your hole-in-one with the official United States Golf Register (which I just completed) or with the National Hole-in-One Registry.

Have you gotten an ACE? Share your story below in the comments section of our Golf for Beginners blog, on Twitter @Golf4Beginners and LIKE on my Facebook page (above).

Read: What the Golf Bug Does to Your Game.

photo: Stacy Solomon - Golf for Beginners

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