Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Larry David and his Acceptance of Fore in his golf game

Research shows that about twenty percent of all golfers regularly score better than ninety for eighteen holes on a regulation length golf course; on a course rated seventy-two, that score translates into an eighteen handicap.

Larry_davidEnter the trials and tribulations of Larry David, who, in the current issue of The New Yorker Magazine, discusses the stages of his golf game which led from anger to denial and finally to his acceptance of the word 'fore'.

It's amazing how even the most jocular sorts turn dead serious when discussing their golf game and have even injected golf into their "schtick".

Ray Romano's character in "Men of A Certain Age" is a scratch golfer attempting to gain entrance to the Senior Tour. Larry David, ever the sad-sack golfer in "Curb Your Enthusiasm", enlightens readers in this article as to why he should probably never again play golf at Riviera Country Club.

Both comedians love the sport and both are relatively good golfers: Romano's handicap (12.6) and David's handicap (13.6) fluctuate but are within a few strokes of each other. The difference is the way each celebrity golfer approaches the game.

Romano practices regularly and has even engaged the services of Hank Haney in order to try and break eighty. On the other hand, although Larry David (with a bit of help) could perhaps one-day become a single-digit handicapper, he has chosen to accept his shortcomings maintaining, "I’ll never be good. It’s just not something I’m suited for. That’s O.K."

What irks me is how Larry David habitually belittles his ability, "golf is just a hobby I stink at", when the average guy can barely break 100!

Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry...

photo credit: Larry David on Myspace

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  1. Like anything else there are two kinds of golfers: those who think they're better than they are and those who like to present themselves as worse than they are. The first category includes all the guys who take it all just a little too seriously as well as the hacks with inappropriately high self-esteem who lose their temper when things go awry. The latter category? That's for all the sandbaggers and the rest of us who don't want to incur the wrath of the golf gods by being too proud of our games.

  2. Golf for Beginners tag line is "because we're always learning" and it's true! Whether serious or not about the sport, players should always make "fun" a priority because golf is a GAME!

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  4. I agree with a lot of what you're saying here but it could do with more detail. They stayed away in droves.

  5. Judging from the people I see at the driving range where I practice, there's a third category of golfers.......those who practice perpetually and never take their "games" to the course because they don't feel ready or they aren't that interested in actually playing on a course or they don't have the time for 9 or 18 holes (especially on a bleak, crowded, muni course) or they can't afford to golf on a decent, real, course. Hmm, looks like I've named 4 subcategories of the perpetually practicing, as well.


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