Sunday, February 05, 2006

Tiger Woods in the 2008 Olympics?

Pink iPodGolf for beginners 02-05-06 episode thirteen asks the question,

"Should golf be an Olympic sport?"

People's Daily Online, a Chinese online periodical in English quotes Secretary General of the China Golf Association, Cui Zhiqiang as saying that the decision, "made sense as the game was becoming increasingly popular in China with about 200 courses and 200 more under construction."

Golf has been on the Olympic program twice, in 1900 and 1904. There were two golf events in 1900 - one for men and one for the ladies. added, "They gave away gold medals for synchronized diving, beach volleyball, fencing and badminton at the Olympics in Athens. The world's best basketball players were there (minus several American defections), along with stars in softball and tennis. There were 28 sports involved, but no golf."

Previous Olympic sports have included Tug-of-War, Polo, Rugby, Lacrosse, Cricket, Croquet and water-skiing. I think it's about time that there were some form of amateur form of golf at the 2008 Olympics but it won't be feasible if professionals are allowed to play because the USA will undoubtedly win gold (who could possibly take a gold medal from Tiger Woods?).

This week's "Blogger Weekly" section focuses on yet another left-handed golfer, Gerry "Bubba" Watson. We are possibly looking at another John Daly. Bubba stated in, "If it ever comes down to where I need a lesson, I’m quitting. I’m never going to have a lesson. People say, ‘Quiet your hips,’ and I don’t have a clue what they mean. I just hit it."

Bubba's longest recent drive? Over 422 yards in 2004!

And finally, Barry and I discuss how using a video camera at the driving range could show you hidden flaws in your swing.

We took a camera to the range and taped my swing so look for my swing video in this week's blog.

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