Thursday, February 02, 2006

Our Service Station Gets a Facelift!

While Barry plays golf our Amoco station rejuvenates.

Today is our anniversary. Fourteen years of marriage to the same guy. Has it really been that long?
It's also a holiday…Groundhog Day. I don't remember the last time Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow so prepare for six more weeks of winter!

In honor of this special day I'm making sure Barry plays a round of golf with his regular foursome.

I personally haven't had much luck getting out to play this winter sigh. It seems as if every time I feel the need to get out the weather fails to cooperate.

When I hear that one day of the week will be just right, I make sure my husband gets to play first. I think he needs it more than I do. I'm also being a bit selfish because I know that if I don't make a stink when he goes out, he can't berate me for something that I might want to do.

I harbor no ill will regarding Barry's right to play. He gets really dejected if he can't get out at least once during the week. If there is a snowstorm or the temperature dips too low (for Barry it's about 32 degrees) I make sure he gets to hit a bucket at the driving range. It's heated so all he requires is a sweater. (C'mon, what are wives for?)

I, on the other hand, require a warmer day. My time out requires near perfection. Nice weather and plenty of sunshine.

Barry was the person who helped me to learn the game that I now can't get out of my blood. I can honestly say that I had no interest in the sport until he told me that I didn't necessarily have to play at the crack of dawn. That was the decision-maker for me.

Another great thing that Barry made me do was to take lessons from the moment my first set of clubs were delivered to me. That actually made golf not only more enjoyable but also made me realize that I was a natural ahem at it.

This season marks my fifth anniversary of playing golf and I'm regularly in the 80's. My swing is compact yet flowing and as time progresses, it gets more powerful. My promise to videotape it still stands as soon as warmer weather hits and I come out of hybernation.

Of course my husband's play time means more stressful work time for moi. As many of you may know, Barry and I own and operate a service station. Not only is it our anniversary but tomorrow also marks the last day of our Amoco station and our changeover to Getty.

So next year will be "Happy Anniversary to us and to our service station"!

Signs will be coming down, new ones will be hoisted into place. Barry will miss all of this commotion because golf is much more important to him than watching a couple of new signs go up.

Am I happy with the changeover? Yes and no.

There were two main reasons why we were forced to make the switch.

For one thing, we're not a "mega" station. Amoco (now BP) wants only larger gas stations that can offer 100,000 gallons or more per month, every month.

Our "mom and pop" store can't do even half that amount.

The second reason is that they have added a surcharge to our delivery making the gasoline unaffordable to sell. We don't make much money on gasoline anyway but this was like taking every last cent out of our pockets. Not going to happen, ergo, we switched.

The good news is that we got to select the type of branding.

We were offered several different gasoline companies but Getty seemed to be the one that offered us lower prices with the quality of gas remaining unchanged. Getty is pretty good stuff and it comes from Russia. Okay, take your pick. The Saudi's or the Russians.

I'm going to post some of the pics here as soon as I can take them so everyone can see our "new and improved" gas station.

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