Thursday, December 31, 2015

#Golf Resolutions for a Happy New Year

For all of the things folks are supposed to do...and don't, we make New Year's Resolutions.

The same is true in golf; most players state the obvious...that they will practice more, that they will stretch before every game and that they will stay in the moment but here at Golf for Beginners we take it one step further by offering readers real resolve that will stick.

Therefore, this golfer has put together a short list of resolutions for the New Year. Feel free to add your resolutions in the comments section of this golf blog.

1. I resolve to not only practice but to practice my short game. I will not only go to the range to bang golf balls with my driver, I will also set aside time (and some balls in my bucket) to chip, putt and utilize the short game area provided to me by my local golf course.

2. I resolve to remember my good shots and forget my bad shots. I'm sure readers of this blog have more than just a few memorable moments!

3. I resolve to NOT take gimmes but to put the ball in the bottom of the cup.

4. I will play the ball as it lies and not move it just because ... it's in a divot or my lie isn't good enough. (This golfer plays it as it lies but sometimes is paired with others who do).

5. Finally, I will happily help new golfers get involved ...and stay... in the game. Women, Seniors and Kids...It's tough enough getting folks interested in the game and it's even more challenging keeping them on the courses!

What are your golf resolutions and have you kept your word from last year?

Let us know in the comments section of this golf blog and on Twitter @Golf4Beginners.

1 comment:

  1. Very essential for new Golfer who needs to concentrate on their Short games and chipping. Face the details should be the approach while facing the game of golf. Thanks!


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