Monday, November 10, 2008

Barack Obama swings left on the course. Kodak waves checkered flag for PGA Tour. We have the fix for your mental game.

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It has been said that you can tell a good deal about a person by the way he/she plays golf, and former Presidents are no exception. Which of our Commanders, for example, exemplified the integrity of the game and which men have bent the rules in their favor?

In his book, "First Off the Tee: Presidential Hackers, Duffers and Cheaters From Taft to Bush", Don Van Natta Jr's neatly organized categories helped define Presidential proclivities noting that more than just a few in the top job have "improved their lie" during a round.

Both Clinton and Nixon made it into the book's "Hail to the Cheats" category with number forty-two often giving himself "billigans" and "Tricky Dick" often not counting wayward shots. FDR, Ford and Kennedy, on the other hand, were considered "purists."

So, where does that leave President-elect Barack Obama?

According to a golf swing analysis by Top 100 Teacher Brady Riggs, Obama is a good study of preparedness however the outcome lacks aggressiveness, pushing his shots far left. Perhaps that makes the future president just like the "Average Joe"?

The category which President-elect Obama falls into will eventually become apparent as the story unfolds.

In addition to our assessment of Mr. Obama, we also discuss techniques for positive thinking from William Oliver's new book, the "Law of Focus for Golfers". A few fixes from his ebook, "Master the Mental Game of Golf" are also mentioned.

Kodak, the EWGA and a notable distinction for Turning Stone Resort round out our News summary.

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Photo Credit: ©, Alex Brandon, AP,

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