Sunday, November 06, 2005

Another Golf Blog Another Day of Golf History

I never thought that Barry and I would have so much fun producing podcasts. Not only do I get to spend more time with my husband but we get to talk about one of our common favorite subjects!

We also decided that it was easier for our readers to contact us at our new email address.
Email us at:

I guess that address is just easier for folks to remember. And we intend to feature letters on air (of course we would like these letters to talk about golf...) so please feel free to write to us and ask questions. No matter how "newbie"-ish you think you're being just remember that you're not alone! And we intend to expand over time to feature advice, technology and news. We're just getting our "sea-legs" and that takes time for beginners like us!

You can download our latest audio show by clicking here.

I was really ecstatic about Annika Sorenstam's win this weekend at the Mizuno Classic. Sorenstam's fifth consecutive win overshadows the four wins achieved by Tiger Woods, Gene Sarazen and Walter Hagen, all terrific golfers in their own right. But now Annika is in a class all by herself and I'm very proud that a woman made an achievement as accomplished as this one in an "all boys club".
And what about the exciting wire-to-wire win this weekend (ho-hum) by relative unknown Bart Bryant at the Tour Championship? Unfortunately Tiger Woods wasn't able to get any closer than six shots and was left in the dust by the jouneyman! The $ 1.17 million dollar first prize is more than Bryant earned in his 18 years on both the PGA and Nationwide tours.

A flabbergasted Bart Bryant stated, I'm thrilled beyond description. To have struggled for as long as I did and all of a sudden in the last 15 months to win three events, even if I hadn't won this weekend this would all be worth it!"

In other news I just wanted to congratulate the great Tom Watson in his season-ending victory at the Charles Schwab Cup. The $1 million annuity was well worth the effort. Tom Watson is one of my favorite golfers. His short game is legendary and I really like the way he keeps his cool in spite of adversity. I wish I could play a round with Mr. Watson. I think I could learn alot from him.
In writing about the Champions Tour I also would like to say that I am a fan. I try to watch as much golf as I can on weekends and invariably catch the final round as I flip channels. If I get up early enough I might even watch a bit of the European Tour. I guess if you're a golf fanatic you can never get too much golf. If it's not on TV then I have to get to the driving range and if I'm not on the range I try to get in a back nine somewhere. In other words, I'm HOOKED ON GOLF!

It should be a nice week so everyone should make the most of it. It's going to get colder soon and then you're going to WISH you were out on a course firing at pins!

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